One Saturday not long ago I woke up with a punch in the gut. I had snoozed the alarm and overslept. In a few minutes I would stand on a podium on Australia’s Gold Coast, in front of a large audience giving a 75 minute talk on visual programming and building information modeling. With no shower or breakfast, only a short chat with Steve Stafford (that’s nutritious mental breakfast, but still no shower), I went on stage and delivered what was later announced the single best presentation at the entire conference. An hour later I presented the third best session.
Check out the entire list of Top Ten Speakers.
I was also thrilled to read Jonathon Dutton’s feedback earlier today: Post RTCAUS Feedback. Jonathon writes:
“The first Dynamo script I wrote after RTC used our excel project planning file to populate a Revit project with all the proposed drawing sheets – even selecting the appropriate title block and naming conventions. Following this, I wrote a script which placed all my precast panel elevation views on sheets. This saves my company enormous amount of time, which allows our team to focus on more challenging problems rather than work on boring and repetitive tasks.”
If you want to download and study the handout material that helped Jonathon overcome Death By Repetition, please do so from my Workshop page RTC AUS 2015.
Thanks to Margarida Jeronimo Barbosa for help with the content, my company Dark Architects for freedom and inspiration, Stephen Melville for optimized truss sample file, Konrad K. Sobon & Andreas Dieckmann for awesome software, my buddy Arnfinn Aas Eielsen for mental build-up and Adam Sheather (who also had two top ten sessions!) for hanging out with a guy who hadn’t showered.

Adam and me paying attention during the Construction Stream Wrap-Up Forum. That’s what no-shower hair looks like.
Here’s Stephen’s truss optimization linked to Revit. I showed this at the end of one of my presentations. Rhino, Grasshopper, Kangaroo, Galapagos, Mantis Shrimp, Dynamo and Revit in beautiful symphony:
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