2030 Reporting + More Insight News at AIA

The American Institute of Architects (AIA) annual convention is this week in Philadelphia, and in theme with our continual updates and enhancements to Insight 360, we have some new releases we are highlighting at the event. Keep reading for more information on how these updates will enhance your Insight experience.


In partnership with the AIA, Autodesk is releasing a connection between Insight 360 and the AIA 2030 Commitment Design Data Exchange (DDx) in support of the AIA 2030 Commitment. Insight 360 already provides easy access to early energy modeling for architects and integrated design teams, and now it provides automated AIA DDx reporting. This connection will allow you to report your project’s performance to the AIA DDx from the Insight 360 interface, eliminating the need for you to manually re-enter information, and as it is automated, will encourage energy performance reporting throughout the design process, especially at those critical early stages.

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