This last week I saw a tweet from Mister Zach Kron regarding the new version of Dynamo set to be released and it sounded exciting!
After seeing that tweet I also saw this forum post.
So I went ahead and downloaded the latest version and tested away! Below are some of the nodes I am most excited about, this post is definitely longer than 60 seconds.
First up, some detail line love. Clockwork was my resource for this previously.
Next, is dimension creation. Which is awesome! Oh the possibilities!
Element.GetCategory – So useful! I actually added this to Rhythm about a year ago.
Element location nodes – Once again, Clockwork was my resource for this before.
FamilyInstance.GetHost (Clockwork again)
FamilyInstance.GetType (Clockwork again..)
FilledRegion.ByCurves – very useful for documentation. archi-LAB was the only person to previously have filled region tools.
The Dynamo team has also…
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