How To Allow TeamViewer Access Through an SSH Tunnel to an EC2 Proxy Server

In case the title didn’t give it away, this is a pure IT post. If you aren’t interested, check out this Mario video instead

In some IT environments, you may find that TeamViewer cannot connect. This becomes a problem if you do a lot of remote work in various locations. How can we get TeamViewer working in these situations? Here is one way…

  1. Spin up a micro Amazon EC2 Linux instance (you can have one free instance for a year)
  2. Connect to your instance with putty
  3. Install tinyproxy with
    sudo yum -y install tinyproxy  –enablerepo=epel
  4. Edit tinyproxy settings to allow the IP of your current workstation with
    sudo vim /etc/tinyproxy/tinyproxy.conf
    add a line
    Allow (your IP from
  5. Disconnect the putty session
  6. Edit putty settings for connecting to your Amazon instance to include a dynamic outbound tunnel on port 3128. Reconnect putty and leave it running.

  7. Edit TeamViewer proxy settings to include manual proxy like this:

Ok, now we have basically given access for…
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