UK Construction Week 2016 – BIM Level 2 – Was it worth it?

Last week I was at UK Construction Week and participated in a panel discussion on the main stage.

The title for the session as set by the organisers ‘BIM Level 2 – was it worth it?‘ was deliberately provocative. The BBC’s Victoria Fritz did a very good job of adapting to the subject matter and chairing it. Malcolm Taylor Crossrail, Mac Muzvimwe Faithful+Gould, Guy Hammersley BRE and Sasha Reed, Bluebeam where also panellists.

Malcolm Taylor from Europe’s biggest construction project Crossrail talks BIM

In terms of preparing for the discussion, I thought I’d ask Twitter what it thought of the key question…

My snap poll on Twitter the morning before the event

As we discussed the topic, an artist illustrated the discussions

Innovation Arts drew what we discussed

…and finally, I tidied up my preparation notes and popped them on our NBS website as an article…

My thoughts

If you have an opinion on the subject – please add it as a…
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