The schedule for the inaugural BILT ANZ 2017 will be launched tomorrow, and although I might be a little biased, it is an impressive line up. Whatever your interest in technology and the built environment there will be a great selection of sessions to chose from.
Today’s blog post is focused upon our ARCHICAD users. For me personally the journey from a stand-alone ARCHICON event in 2015, to the co-location with RTC in 2016, to now where there will be no solo events, but a fully integrated 3-day event for the whole AECO Industry has been well worth it. I believe BILT will provide attendees with the greatest choice of any BIM event in Australasia.
With 8-9 streams running concurrently there is so much choice, initially the sessions that would be of most benefit or interest to ARCHICAD users might not be obvious. To assist you, I would suggest selecting the following sessions as part of your Registration to BILT ANZ 2017 – although also remember that one of the benefits…