It’s strange really how we develop loyalties to brands.  I took an interest in the Mac very early on, when it was still a funny little box with a monochrome screen, (and Windows didn’t really exist yet). But based in Africa as I was, I could never afford one and gradually I grew tired of all the hype, the smug superiority and ultimately developed something of an aversion to all things Apple.  It was a similar story with Archicad. I dabbled very early on, long before Revit came on the market, and could so easily have become a faithful devotee. But life took a different turn and ended up a Revit junky.

I was a bit late to jump on the touch screen band wagon and when the time came I opted for a “Windows ecosystem” I took to Windows 8 from the beginning, and never really understood the fashion for Microsoft bashing. But it’s no good complaining about other people’s prejudices if I’m not willing to tackle my own.  So early last year ago I bought myself an iPad.  Three birds with one…

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