At my last webinar: “Revit Family Best Practices,” I had the opportunity to constructively critique (roast?) the families and modeling practices employed in the out of the box architectural Revit sample project. There are few resources I demonstrated which I would like to elaborate and share links for:
- Case apps, now open source after their acquisition by WeWork. The tool I mentioned was for renaming families, “Rename Stuff”, although the suite of apps has many more applications that could be useful. At the time of writing the installer is updated for 2017.
- OmniClass beta is a website that has a powerful search when you are not sure where within the various layers of OmniClass a particular object should be. It allows you to narrow to a specific table (23 for the purposes of the webinar).
- OmniClass update. This link explains how to update to the latest OmniClass taxonomy file. Unfortunately, it has to be done on each machine running Revit, although, surely an IT whiz can automate…