“I’ll send an SOS to the world
I’ll send an SOS to the world
I hope that someone gets
My message in a bottle”
— “Message in a Bottle,” Reggatta de Blanc, The Police, 1979.
The Autodesk Gallery at One Market in San Francisco celebrates design — the process of taking a great idea and turning it into a reality. With about 60 different exhibits regularly on display that showcase the innovative work of Autodesk customers, the gallery illustrates the role technology plays in great design and engineering. I am one of about 80 Autodesk employees who volunteer as ambassadors for the gallery. Gallery Curator, Jason Medal-Katz, chose the title ambassador instead of docent because the correct way to address an ambassador is “your excellency,” yet this never happens. Ambassadors conduct gallery tours as a a sideline to their day jobs. The tours provide employees with opportunities to practice public speaking in front of small groups.
One of our long-standing exhibits is…