The first BILTanz is now officially over – hopefully everyone is now safely back home and have had a good night rest! The event, held last week at the Adelaide Conventuon Centre was fantastic. I think I can safely say that no-one in the room for the keynote presentation by Dr Louise Mahler will ever forget the flashing figleaf or watching 380 (mostly Aussies and New Zealanders) sing over the rainbow! From our very first session to the 1980s themed gala party, BILTanz 2017 has been a memorable experience.
Over the next few weeks we are looking for your feedback about the event. With a total of 96 classes, the committee can’t be everywhere at once and it’s really important to us to know what you, our community, thought of the event – the speakers, the venue, the catering and the social events. Anything at all! We take your feedback and ideas very seriously and are always trying to improve our events. Please fill in the overall conference feedback survey (that has been…