NBS BIM Case Studies

A couple of new case studies have been published on our website that feature aspects of how NBS can be used on BIM projects.

Videos are embedded below, please click the links to go to the full case study.

1. Primary School
This is one of a number of school projects from Manchester City Council following their move as a client to standardise their BIM process. This looks at the design stages of the project following the production of a standardised digital plan of work.

All members of the project team used NBS to produce a standardised set of design information.

[youtube https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=C8tI28LomLk]

Find out more about this project at…
– theNBS.com/case-studies/st-margarets-primary-school

2. Historic building refurbishment
This is the story of our very own building project in city centre Newcastle. This looks at the information flow through the project timeline from the original laser scan of the existing historic building.


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