RevitPythonWrapper 1.0

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RevitPythonWrapper has come a long way since it first started in October of 2016.

For those unfamiliar with it, rpw is an IronPython library to help you write concise and pythonic Revit API Code. You can read the full documentation here.

The library started as a way of consolidating a few functions and classes I found myself reusing across several python scripts. Soon after, it began to grow and to take on more responsibilities such as handling all the import code and dealing the application and document handlers. Fast forward 8 months, it has matured into a sizeable code base with a wide variety of API wrappers and other tools such as the new Console, and the FlexForm classes.

The latest organization seen in 1.0.0 was triggered by a collaboration with Ehsan Iran-Nejad, the mastermind behind pyRevit. Ehsan has been thinking about including rpw in pyRevit for some time. As a way of getting to know the library, he created a fork of it, organized in a slightly different…

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