This week we e-spoke to Belinda Thompson from GHD Woodhead, winner of the Social Media Golden Ticket Competition.
Introduce yourself – where do you work and what do you do? How did you come to win your Golden Ticket?
Belinda Thompson. Currently work at GHD as their Western Australian BIM Lead and I also have the role as the BIM Manager on the Forrestfield Airport Link project. I won my ticket by entering the competition that I saw on Twitter! (Belinda entered the competition via various social media channels – the winning entry was drawn from her share to LinkedIn).
Was this your first BILT (RTC) event? If not, which other events have you been to?
I have been to a couple of RTC’s held in ANZ in the past although I did miss the year it was in the Hunter Valley.
Would you have been attending if you hadn’t won the Golden Ticket?
Yes I still would have been attending but I was paying for my own ticket so it was amazing to win. My company was only paying for one person…