The time has come: notifications about classes selected for AU Las Vegas 2017 have been sent. If you submitted a proposal, you should have received an email telling you whether or not you’ve been invited to present. Congratulations to our selected speakers.
We want to say thank you to everyone who submitted proposals this year. AU is about you. It’s built on your knowledge, your ideas, your passion, your curiosity. We couldn’t do what we do without your constant drive to become better at what you do. We know it takes valuable time and attention to create a class proposal and we appreciate the energy you invested. It showed in the work. Picking the winners is a difficult task and we wish we had room for all the classes proposed.
If your proposal wasn’t selected this year, we hope you’ll submit again. We also encourage you to look for other opportunities to share your ideas and insights. That could mean submitting articles to industry publications, writing blogs about your…