Bulk Upgrade Old Revit Families or Projects Using Dynamo

This screencast covers an easy way to upgrade old Revit projects (file extension .RVT) and families (file extension .RFA) using Dynamo (for free!). Upgrading families is a necessary step with every new release of Revit. In our consulting work, we highly recommend clients maintain a Warehouse File which has a level for each Revit Category where vetted content is placed. By having such a file, the upgrade process is as simple as opening the project file with the new Revit version (making sure to click the Audit check box). However, many people still maintain folder structures where family content is stored. For upgrading in those situations, Dynamo offers an efficient and speedy way of upgrading multiple families. To install Dynamo, visit: http://dynamobim.org/download/

The following Dynamo bulk family upgrade process was published by John Pierson of sixtysecondrevit. Here are the steps:

1. Open any Revit file, so that you can launch Dynamo (Manage tab -> Dynamo).

2. Launch the…

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