A almost two weeks ago, I requested feedback and ideas (AU5K Shirts) for a AU5K run shirt design. Most of the feedback I received liked the idea of “I Run Autodesk University” as a tagline. So we are going with that.
Here is the prototype shirt design I created. Please post your ideas and thoughts in the comments.
For those wanting to know what the AU5K is:
Autodesk University 2016 AU5K Runs
For the past few years we have had an informal morning jog, walk, or run to kick off the AU day while attending Autodesk University. It allows you to get some fresh non-casino air and see a nice sunrise and meet some great people all while staying healthy and getting the blood flowing for another busy packed AU day of keynotes, classes, exhibits, and events.The official AU5K will be 5:30am Tuesday although many of us will be running on Monday and Wednesday as well. Spread the word and please plan to join us to get your own AU5k shirt, or at least heckle and root for us on your way to get coffee…