Autodesk Revit: An introduction to Detail Components

In this Autodesk Revit tutorial we are going to take a look at Detail Components. If you’d like to watch the video version of this tutorial first, simply click in the box below….


In Revit, Detail Components are 2D elements that you add to your views in order to embellish / enhance your model. Take the following example….



In the above image you can see a Callout view of a junction between an external wall and a sloped roof. The Detail Level for the Callout is set to Coarse. This is obviously not detailed enough to construct from. So let’s turn the Detail Level up to “Fine” for the Callout….



Well, it’s “better” At l;east we can now see some layers to our elements. Both the wall and the roof elements are “System Families”- so Revit is now simply showing us the layers in these elements- as defined in their respective “Structure” settings. However, I would argue the view is still not resolved to…

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