Autodesk Revit: Filled Regions

In this Autodesk Revit tutorial we are going to take a look at Filled Regions. If you’d like to watch the video version of this tutorial first, simply click in the box below….




In Revit Filled Regions are simply a bounded area filled with a Detail Hatch Pattern. You get to define the shape and extent of the boundary (including which Line Style it is drawn in) and to choose which Hatch Pattern the area is filled with. Let’s take an example of when we might use a Filled Region. The image below show the junction between an external wall and a sloped roof. You can see that I have already added a Repeating Detail Component to represent the blockwork in section…






What I want to do now is add a “Wall Plate” to the top of the blockwork. A “Wall plate” is a section of timber used to support the roof at it’s eaves. Now I could create a Wall Plate using a Detail Component. But for the sake of this…

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