Autodesk Summer Interns: End of Intern Showcase

Ph.D. intern, Charlott Vallon, shares how robots learn

Each year Autodesk hosts interns for the summer. We often have a mix of high school and college students. Instead of assigning them rudimentary tasks based on their limited experience, we treat them as peers and involve them in projects that help advance our technology. This summer was no exception. This week, the interns got to showcase their work.

Here are some of the projects that our interns worked on.

  1. Jin Ho Lee

    UC Berkeley

    The Present, Future of Generative Design

  2. Jack Reinke and Brice Dudley

    University of Florida and Stanford

    Applying Generative Design in the REAL World

  3. Charlott Vallon

    UC Berkeley

    Teaching Virtual Robots by Demonstration in Virtual Reality

  4. Mohammed Kashavarzi, Ardavan Bidgoli, and Jin Ho Lee

    UC Berkeley, Carnegie Mellon, UC Berkeley

    V-Dream: An Immersive Platform for High Dimensional Solution Space Navigation

  5. Hsien-Chung Lin and Fereshteh Shahmiri

    UC Berkeley and…

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