Reflections on BILTna 2017 – RTC News

It has been about 4 weeks since the conference. The memories are still fresh in my mind so I thought I would describe my impressions.

First, I must thank my incredible team for all their hard work. Many hours were spent prior to the event. We squeezed in a few hours of sleep each night during the week of the conference. There was also the formal debriefing on Sunday following the event. And there were lots of informal discussions that went into the wee hours of the morning for days afterwards. You might think that there would be a few months of down-time for us after all that. But we are already having meetings to prepare for next year!


Many delegates came up to me during and after the event to tell me how much they enjoyed the conference. I appreciate such feedback. I loved hearing what people thought. While I enjoyed the positive comments, I also took seriously anything that folks told me. After all, it is only by you telling us what you think that we can continue to…

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