There’s always been a bit of an anti-competitive streak in my make up.  As a young boy I always dressed up as a “red indian” rather than a cowboy.  I also refused to eat meat … just didn’t like the taste and texture, still don’t.  Maybe I’m just a bit of a wimp.  But at school there was always the end of term thing where all the results got totted up, and there would be half a dozen of us vying for the “top of the class” spot. We would be keeping track of the scores as they came out and working out how we were doing, kind of like a league table thing.  But I did lose interest in the academic success thing towards the end of school and then at university turned into a positive rebel, and some kind of drop-out.

Anyway, it’s six years since I started this blog, and for much of that time I have been excited by the steadily climbing numbers and the contact with people all around the world that ensued.  Well it so happens that since the last time I looked Google is reporting 1 million…

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