Comparing Models and Scenarios

Video Description:
Create a scenario:
Now let’s look at how you can create a scenario, that we can apply to our models.
Within Insight, a scenario is a defined set of factor settings. You can select which models to apply the scenario to but by default it will apply to all of the models in your selected collection.
There are sample scenarios available, such as Sample – Net Zero, and Sample- Architecture 2030. These scenarios are for you to apply to your models and help you look at factors options that will guide you toward designing for various energy performance goals.

1. Let’s look at how to create a scenario. To create a new scenario, click on the model to open the page with factor widgets, and edit the factors to reflect our desired settings.
2. We want to see how infiltration and Window to Wall ratio affect our project. So, change these factors as shown here:
– Open the Infiltration widget and choose a range from the BIM model setting to a more airtight setting of 0.17 Air Changes per Hour. Notice how the color of the Energy Cost Range dial changed from red to yellow, indicating we are moving toward a higher performing building design. On the Energy Cost Range dial you can mouse over the different tick marks to see the Architecture 2030 benchmark, the Energy Cost Mean, and the ASHRAE 90.1 benchmark.
– Now let’s take a look at WWR at different orientation:
i. On the South wall, because it can often cause a heat gain, we will choose a smaller amount of window ration. We don’t know exactly the amount but let’s select a range between 30-40%. Close the widget
ii. North walls, can often offer higher quality light for daylighting without too much heat gain from the sun. In this example, let’s highlight a range between 50 to 30% since we don’t know exactly how we’ll design our final model.
iii. Western walls again can have problem with excessive heat gain so we’ll select smaller WWR.
iv. And finally on the East facade, similar to the west we’ll choose a smaller amount of glazing.
3. Then click on the ‘Add scenario’ icon on the top right of the page.
4. On the left panel click on the icon to open the list of scenarios. From here you can rename your scenario, for instance: using the name of your settings such as “Infiltration and WWR”.
5. Then click on ‘Go back to Insight’. Open the scenario dropdown menu from the top of the Model Comparison graph.
This will apply the factors settings from your newly created scenario to the models in your Insight.
The scenarios created for any model in an Insight will be available to apply to any model within that Insight. When you make a scenario a favorite, by clicking the star next to its name in the scenario drop-down menu, it becomes available to apply to any model within any Insight collection you may create with you A360 account. Note that scenarios can only be edited or deleted from within the model used to create them.

Scenarios Comparison:
You can also create multiple scenarios within a single model, and compare the influence of those scenarios on that one model.
6. For this example, lets create a few more scenarios for the model by building up on the scenario we have already created:
• We already have the Infiltration and Window to Wall ratio scenario. We also previously created a scenario where we excluded the “uninsulated” option from the roof and wall constructions (this scenario also includes the Infiltration and WWR settings). By clicking on this scenario it will be applied to this model.
• Now we’ll create a third scenario building up on the previous two existing scenarios. We’ll change the schedule to include 12/6, 12/5, and the BIM setting because we know the building will not operate more than that. We now start looking at internal loads in the building by improving the Plug Load Efficiency, which you can see has a greater impact as the curve is steeper. We’ll look at Lighting Efficiency and daylighting and occupancy control as well. Create a scenario and name it: Schedule and Internal Loads.
• Finally, we’ll do one more scenario to include a photovoltaic system to our project. In this example we will cover between 75 and 90 % of the roof with photovoltaic panels, we choose the highest efficiency panel, and we’ll allow our payback period to be between 20 to 30 years. Notice how the Energy Cost Range has now changed from yellow to Green. Let’s go ahead and save this scenario.
7. We will now compare these saved scenarios within this model. Click on the ‘Scenario Comparison’ Icon on the top right corner of the Insight interface.
You can see the range and the cost differential by hovering over each graph. Finally, we can see that the most efficient of our scenarios is the last one with added PV.

If you go back to Insight, you now see all the newly created scenario in the Model comparison panel.
