Content Conundrums: 3D, 2D or 1D?

As an industry, we continue to go around in circles discussing BIM content specification, with much attention focused on the data aspect, and rightly so.

  • HOW much data should we include?
  • WHEN should we apply it?
  • WHO wants the data?
  • WHERE should it be stored?
  • WHAT are we doing this for???

We are starting to come to an agreement on many of these points, in that lots of different data needs to be on-hand – we just haven’t yet come to a common agreement on exactly how to attach it to the model. But what about the geometry?

As it stands, manufacturers want more precise 3D models which exactly represent the catalogued component, whilst referencing relevant data. The enlightened designer wants a simpler 3D place-holder to position correctly, that is dimensionally accurate and looks good for communication and discussion with all parties, along with reference to relevant data. The contractor needs an accurate 2D drawing to show fixing information and reference to relevant data. The…

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