9 Tips To Understand Revit Roofs

Confused by Revit Roofs? You will get all the answer in this short and efficient video.

Check out the complete blog post: https://revitpure.com/blog/9-tips-to-understand-revit-roofs

This is part of the Revit Pure BASICS package. Check out the full thing: https://revitpure.com/basics

Tip #1: Remove Slope To Create Flat Roof

Tip #2: Activate Slope To Create Sloped Roof

Tip #3: Modify Properties To Adjust Roof Slope

Tip #4: Modify Each Line To Get Irregular Slope

Tip #5: Activate Overhang On Picked Walls Roof

Tip #6: Add Vertical Or By Face Opening

Tip #7: Use Shape Editing To Create Flat Roof Slope

Tip #8: Set Variable Material For Sloped Insulation

Tip #9: Join Roofs, Add Opening To Create Dormer