Some exclusive online Revit courses for beginners and advanced Revit users

Given below, the detail lists of some exclusive online free and paid courses for the beginners and advanced users of Revit.

Mass Building using Autodesk Revit: In this preparatory course, one will be familiar with the revit interface by creating the design of a basic building. The course is specifically designed for beginner and professionals architects who want to commence with Revit in their projects. This course is absolutely free.

For registration, click on the following linkĀ

Full Project Using Revit Structure – Basic Modeling: This course train you how to create the design of a structure with columns, beams, foundations, floors, and slabs. This course is intended for beginner and intermediate users, who prefer to start with Revit and gather deep knowledge in using different Revit tools. The course is totally free.

For registration, click on the following linkĀ

Learning Autodesk Revit Architecture 2016: This course is completely designed for the…

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