Advanced Revit Schedules – Calculated Fields and Conditional Formats

I’ve already mentioned how powerful Revit schedules can be here. They are really useful for displaying model information in your documentation. They are also extremely powerful ways to check and validate our models! That’s what BIM is all about right?!

Revit Schedules can help us save time so we don’t have to manually check our drawings and make calculations. Using Revit schedules to validate our models can potentially save us days worth of manual checking.

Let me show you the benefits of Revit Schedules and how to use advanced tools such as Calculated Fields and Conditional Formats.

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Revit Schedules made easy

Revit Schedules

In a project I was working on recently, I had to split the Precast Panels based on the Lifting Weight Radius of the Crane. Certain Precast panels could not weigh more than the max lifting weight at a certain radius as per the image above. After I split the Panels, I wanted to check that each Panel was light enough to be lifted by the Crane. To do…

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