One of the most downloaded files here at Revit.AU is the metric conversion journal script. Despite the obvious downsides of journal scripting, it works about 98.27% of the time.

Based on feedback, the problems with the current journal conversion script are mostly due to user error, but occasionally even when the user followed the steps correctly, a problem would crop up that would stop the process in it’s tracks.
Because of this, one of my goals when learning how to use the Revit API has been to replace this journal script with a fully fledged addin. In my opinion, the biggest benefits seen by developing an addin to perform unit conversions are:
- User-friendly interface
- Ability to convert to both metric and imperial in the same tool
- Automatically closes most popup dialogues
- Handles sub-folders of files without issue
- Much, much faster

If I’m honest, I regret my choice of benchmarking method, a much smaller dataset would have done the job….
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