Parallel operations in Dynamo and Refinery

I’ve mentioned this topic a few times in recent weeks, so it was really time to sit down and put pen to paper (or fingers to keyboard). This one was a lot of fun to dig into, and I think the results will be of interest to people.

Parallelism is something that I’ve been tracking since my studies during the 90s: I remember programming transputers using a programming language called occam, way back when. I was really happy when – around a decade ago – Microsoft got serious about tackling asynchrony and concurrency with F#’s Asynchronous Workflows and the .NET Framework’s Task Parallel Library. I had a lot of fun playing with both, mostly in the context of AutoCAD programming.

When my colleague Simon Breslav decided to try using Parallel.ForEach from IronPython code inside Dynamo, I was definitely intrigued, especially with respect to how that code would then work with Project Refinery.

Firstly, let’s discuss what Parallel.ForEach does, and how to use it inside Dynamo….

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