BIM (Building Information Model) just does not describe the complex process of today’s process of delivering AEC projects.
BIM is the foundational platform of how we deliver projects and it’s the basis upon which we build layer upon layer of data and information often using multiple applications. However, I feel when we talk about BIM were just talking about the model, we’re forgetting about the “I” in BIM, the Information and the potential of BIM beyond design and drawing documentation.
When we talk about BIM the emphasis should be on the information required to execute and manage a project, this is where the “i” in “BIM” is a crucial factor, otherwise, we’re just using BIM as a design tool and underutilizing the vast potential of this amazing resource. This is where designers are Building Modeling rather than Building Information Modeling.
I’ve come across design studios that promote themselves as being BIM capable only because they’re staff is using a 3D Modeling…