Fresh from my first adventure in Pumpkinland, I was full of confidence about what I could do with the Conceptual Massing tools (aka Point World) I looked back over Zach’s own work in this field, and stumbled on a helix family. What could I do with this? This was before the component version of the stair tool had been released. I decided to make a parametric spiral stair. It uses the divided surface feature plus a bit of jiggery pokery to keep the nested tread family horizontal. I never would have enough self-belief to see this through if I hadn’t received that seal of approval from Zach. It’s a family that has had a little practical use, but not a lot. Mostly it was another step along my journey of exploration.
But wait… maybe it would be useful for the Notre Dame spiral stairs. There is some value in a free-standing family that is not wholly defined by two reference levels. Something that you can…