Half a lifetime ago I was enjoying my dream job, writing text books about Building for school students in Zimbabwe. It may seem strange that Building is a subject on the timetable, alongside Mathematics and History, but that’s the way things are in Southern Africa, and why not?
In my view, Building Studies provided a perfect vehicle for integrating concepts from other school subjects and helping students to apply their knowledge to real-life situations.
In my view, Building Studies provided a perfect vehicle for integrating concepts from other school subjects and helping students to apply their knowledge to real-life situations.
This post looks at a booklet I wrote and illustrated long ago. I should acknowledge Malcom Davis who was my colleague and collaborator. We had a very productive partnership with complementary skills and ideas. Unfortunately, he had a serious car accident around this time, and we never quite recovered that early magic.
We planned a series of five booklets, but only completed three. This was the last one to go out of the door, and the first one where we used a computer to generate the text. Bye bye Tippex. We had…