Cut with Voids when Loaded in Revit

When this new feature appeared in Revit about 10 years ago (v2012?), it was always a bit mysterious – it had many confusing restrictions about how and when you could use it

So, what is this family property that shows up in the Family Editor in Revit?

Autodesk Help in v2021:

Cut with Voids When Loaded: When selected, voids created in the family
will cut through solids. The following categories can be cut by voids:
ceilings, floors, generic models, roofs, structural columns, structural
foundations, structural framing, and walls.

That’s it – all the help you will get from Autodesk on this one!  It hardly explains much about how to use it.  If you dig deep you might find more information – but there is no link to it.  

It is inaccurate in that it says “voids . . . will cut through solids”.  It should say “may cut. . . “
It is also not up to date with its category list.

In Revit the tool-tip is pretty much the same, although it does at least have a diagram that shows why you might…

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