Floppy Friday #50

We made it to 50 episodes! I’ll only record another 14 – to take it up to a round 64 – so we’re getting close now.

I wanted to make it a special one, but as I was a little busy getting ready to leave on holiday I didn’t quite get the time to research each game ahead of time. I do think this episode has a nice selection, nonetheless.

We started by playing Nemesis, which was released in some places as Gradius, apparently, and then played Flimbo’s Quest and Destroyer. All gdecent games. I also tried (and failed) to load Asterix in Morgenland, but so it goes.



Here’s some cover art for the games played during this week’s episode:

Episode 50 cover art

Here’s the review of Flimbo’s Quest from issue 66 of Zzap! 64 magazine:

Flimbo's Quest review

See you next week!

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