Understanding Where to Host Your Autodesk Files For EDITING…

 I really wanted to title this, DON’T DO THIS…since I wind up spending an inordinate amount of time trying to explain to the general design and construction public. Be aware that I’m presenting this from a layman’s point of view, to help make it easier to understand why these issues occur.

The internet continues to change the way we work, but alas, we do not. We continue to try to do the same thing we did twenty years ago, thinking that everything happens in a static place where nothing changes. It’s almost like trying to argue with the 30 year AutoCAD user, who bought a “perpetual license” and really thinks it’s going to work just peachy for the next thirty years. Do yourself a favor – smother yourself with honey and tie yourself down wearing your swim trunks in an ant farm. This will be a much less painful experience than trying to convince you that yes, things do change.

Here’s the real part of the story. While there are a large number of resources online that allow you to share…

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