DC and Baltimore

I haven’t been the the US purely for personal reasons for quite some time. The last time was probably on our round-the-world trip, and interestingly our first stop was in Washington DC.

Boarding in Zurich.

Looking out the window.

I’ve just flown across to Dulles, to help my sone get settled into his exchange university. I always love seeing the crazy elevator bus transport system that I haven’t yet seen anywhere else in the world.

A strange bus.

It’s like you’re in some strange parallel universe where this kind of futuristic system became widespread, back in the day.

Elevated and now docking.

What I like less about Dulles is the immigration queue. We were the last of a group of flights, it seems, and had the joy of gradually seeing the queue reduce over 90 minutes until a shift change at 6pm meant there were even fewer agents to help. Death by a thousand immigration stamps.

A full immigration hall.

When we eventually got through, we headed into DC on the Metro.

Welcome to Dulles.

We started on the Silver line, which took about 50 minutes into DC.

On the Metro at last.

And we changed at the beautiful Metro Center…

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