Bus to Laverstoke, or rather Freefolk, which is just beyond.
Historically dominated by the Portal family who ran a paper mill that supplied
the Bank of England. Seems like there is always a connection to my previous
work. That mill is now making Gin, but that’s another story.

There are two churches, on opposite sides of the road, both a short and
pleasant walk from the bus stop. The old church is small and only semi-active
but kept in excellent condition by the Churches Conservation Trust. It really
is a magical place, straight out of a Thomas Hardy novel.

There are monthly services so it hasn’t quite been reduced to a museum piece.
It also benefits from being close to the more active church and I’m sure held
in great regard by that congregation. The larger church was built by the
Portals in late Victorian times. The composition is impressive with a fine
tower, centred between East and West ends, but offset to the south so that it
dominates the massing as you approach.



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