We're back from a wonderful two week break in the United States. In this post and the next I'll share some pictures and talk a little about the experiences we had.
Since much earlier in the year we’d planned on spending the holidays in the US with our son who's studying for an exchange year in Baltimore. This was well before it became clear that the Alps would be getting the most snow over the holiday period than we've seen in the last decade or so. A bit of a shame – we typically enjoy the Swiss slopes at this time of year – but actually we were just fine with it; it turned out to be an unforgettable experience.
It all started on the morning of December 20th, when we took a 7am train towards Zurich airport.
Our flight was with United, direct to Dulles airport.
On arrival in Dulles we took the once-futuristic elevated shuttle to the terminal.
After getting through immigration quite quickly – it really makes a difference leaving on the 11:45am United flight rather than the…