MT – Using BIM as a PM Tool: 4.2.2 – BIM influence on Time/Schedule

The second KPI with higher positive effect results of using BIM is “Time reduction or Control”. The effect of using BIM showed a positive effect on 34% of the projects (12 out of 35).
This KPI was mentioned with positive connotations 17 times. The following are some examples of these positive effects: “project was two months ahead of schedule” and “significant time savings once the construction model took shape” (Research 2 – McGraw-Hill, 2009) or “without [BIM], it would have taken two months to design this scheme, and we were able to do it in a couple of weeks” (Aylesbury Crown Court – McGraw-Hill, 2010a).
The negative effects on time from the case studies are again much less than the positive ones. They were only mentioned 4 times and only 3 projects mentioned more negative effects on time than positive ones. These negative effects were generally related to extra time needed for “creating the initial model” (Festival Place – BSI, 2010) or “restructuring…
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