Generative Design Applied on Buildings

It's been more than two years now, since Autodesk started to invest in research on Generative Design. Some of the results have been shown already in the video below.


When we talk about Generative Design, the subjects are very often related to manufacturing (design of heat exchanger, bicycle frames, …).
At Autodesk, we want to show that this technology can be used in the world of AEC as well.

After having bought three levels in the "MaRS Discovery District" building in Toronto, Autodesk has used the technology of Generative Design to perform a space planning (like office space, meeting rooms, utilities, …) in a pragmatic way. The team of "The Living" (an architectural research team within Autodesk) has carried out studies concerning the initial conditions of the levels, to define the best way to meet conceptual objectives in the new building area.

Then, after having interviewed the future users of the work…

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