Seating bowl | parametricmonkey

The provision of adequate viewing standards in a stadium is a key factor in ensuring that seated accommodation is both safe and serves its intended purpose. Referencing the ‘Green Guide‘, which was produced by the Department for Culture, Media and Sport in the UK, this tutorial will explain how to use Dynamo to automate the seating bowl for a stadium.


Step 1: Pitch

The first step is to draw your playing field. Depending on the type of stadium you are designing, this might be purpose built, e.g. football only, or multi-purpose. I would recommend using a generic model family with model lines so that it will be visible in 3D. There is no need to parameterise the family as the pitch is unlikely to need to flex. The exception to this would be if the pitch was to be multi-purpose, in which case it is best to create separate generic model families for each type, and the nest these into a parent family and use the visibility parameter for graphic control.



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