How to install Autodesk InfraWorks LT


Trying to find the installer for InfraWorks LT? Look no further.

1) Go to

2) Login using your Autodesk account credentials. After login, you can view all Autodesk Products and Services associated with your account.


3) Scroll down to InfraWorks and review what you are entitled to. It’s possible that you will have the option to access InfraWorks LT, or just the InfraStructure Design Suite Premium or Ultimate on subscription. If you see InfraWorks 360 LT or InfraWorks LT as an option, you can click Access Now to install it. Otherwise, continue with step #4.

Note: The “360” terminology has been removed from the InfraWorks product name starting with the InfraWorks 2018 release on April 13th, 2017.


4) If you only have access to the Infrastructure Design Suite Premium or Ultimate on subscription, expand the line item and review it.


5) Click Downloads for the release year version you desire to install.

Install LT or Reg

6) To install InfraWorks 360 LT (or, InfraWorks Read more