BSI Introduces First International BIM Standards >

BSI Introduces First International BIM Standards
Emily Pollock posted on June 13, 2018 | | 31 views

The headquarters of the British Standards Institution in London. (Image courtesy of Romary/Wikimedia Commons.)

The British Standards Institution (BSI) announced that the first two international standards for building information modeling (BIM) are set to be published later this year.

BSI is the national standards body of the UK, providing technical standards for a wide range of products and services. On June 11, the organization put out a press release about the new international standards. The first two standards are to be released this year, while the second two should be released in early 2020.

“We would like to thank the exceptional work of our experts involved in the development of these BIM standards,” said Ant Burd, head of Built Environment at BSI, in the statement. “Their caliber and knowledge has meant that the UK, through BSI, has led the way in creating standards that address the industry’s needs regarding building information modeling, and I have no doubt that that this will continue in the years to come as the construction industry evolves.”

Currently, the UK is using the PAS 1192 series of standards, which establish a collaborative framework for achieving BIM Level 2. According to the BSI, these standards will be replaced by the new international standards. BS 1192, which sets out the principles of BIM, will be replaced by “BS EN ISO…

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