Sketchup to Revit Export with Materials

Fast and Easy Sketchup to Revit Export with materials and textures in this architecture tutorial. You will see how to export a sketchup model and import into autodesk revit as family with original materials for reference to 3d modeling in revit. Autodesk Revit is a BIM (building information modeling) software for architecture and design, and you can import sketchup model in it for reference.
#sketchup #revit #architecture #design #reference #3d #modeling #easy #fast


Check out more Sketchup Tutorials from our Sketchup Lessons Playlist.
Sketchup Tutorials :

We will be posting more Autodesk Revit tutorials in coming weeks.

Vray next for Sketchup – How to render an interior scene

3d modeling without extensions in Sketchup | Hostel model in sketchup

Modeling a Modern House in sketchup | architutors

Music credits
Music: Bensound
