It’s been a while since I posted anything the Scandi-BIM Tour, and with good reason. I’ve been busy...
Source : A360 blog
Surface proing Moreso – Revit 2017.2
Before Xmas I made this post about how the surface Pro 4 could not cope with 100% Size scaling on...
Collapsing all folders instantly in Revit
Wouldn’t it be great if we could collapse all folders instantly because one user has decided to...
The Problem with Syncing to Central
A few weeks ago, I commented on this When someone was clicking ‘Sync to Central’ constantly...
Not quite Dynamo. When interoperability has gone strange…
So this is one I’d never seen before. Revit Schedule. Export to Excel. Modify for asthetics and...
When someone….
I’ve been quiet, because I’ve been busy…. This made me giggle, well, it didnt, it pissed me...
Quick Dip Tuesday
I know, I’ve been pants at doing anything, but it has been Christmas….. Excuses over…...
Merry Christmas!
I know I’ve been quiet, but I’ve had deadlines, so work first! I’ve also started up another...
Revit 2017.1.1 Fixes
If you don’t log into A360, then you may not know that the 2017 Revit Fixes update is...
When all seems lost and a rebuild is due…..
There are times where its easier to start something from scratch, rather than fudge your way...