Morning musing… It’s my observation that there is a prevailing mostly ambivalent...
Source : Revit OpEd blog
Five Minutes with Shape Editing a Bay Roof
I posted this screencast in response to a thread at the Autodesk Forums. Figured I might as well...
Sketching Tangent Lines
A post based on my responses at the Autodesk Forum: Tangent Circle to Tangent Circle. It could be...
Dimension Inline and Dynamo
From time to time I’ve heard people ask about putting the dimension value on the...
How Often to Synchronize with Central – SwC
Grist from a recent support conversation…”How often should we use Synchronize with...
Revit Coordinate Systems Video
A lengthy exchange at Autodesk’s User Forums about this subject reminded me that I’ve...
Consulting Work – December and January Schedule
I’ve been very fortunate over the years to find project delays, postponement or cancellations...
Link DWG and Named UCS
Working through a couple support issues recently it turned out that the presence of a Named UCS...
Mr. Revit OpEd at The Whiskey a Go Go
This provides ample distraction from writing as much as I used to. I can hit ALL the THINGS!! Yes...
Phases are Deleted – Electrical Issue – Cancel...
A client shared this issue with me a couple of weeks ago and Autodesk has acknowledged it as a bug...