I wrote THIS POST years back regarding adding vent pipe to a sanitary system of pipe and fixtures...
Source : Revit OpEd blog
Snap Option – Mid Between 2 Points
When this new snap option appeared in Revit 2022.1 it was a LONG time coming. Not being able to...
Revit 2023.1 – Add Leader to Room Tag
I laughed out loud when I read this today after installing R2023.1. I’m guessing but every...
Rumor wasn’t a rumor – B.I.M. After Dark Conversation
I just wrapped up my conversation with Jeff, The Revit Kid on his B.I.M After Dark livestream...
Rumor Goin Round
I’m crawling out from under my rock later this week. I’m joining Jeffery...
Revit Updates and 33 Percent
There must be something magical about 33% and Revit updates lately? I installed the Hotfix...
The Void and the Revolve
A tale of mystery set in ancient times…a fairytale of majestic proportions… Sadly...
Entering Values using the Project Base Point
A recent message asked how they can enter values into the Project Base Point (PBP) like we used to...
Local Save Does Not Work – Follow Up
After speaking with an Autodesk developer we now know that our issue is related to past...
BIM 360 Warning Using Save not Sync
Lately we see this warning message appear, in BIM 360 hosted projects, when clicking the Save...