It’s been about a week now where some of us can’t post/reply at the forum. I guess I’ll give up...
Source : Revit OpEd blog
Keynote Legends and Keynotes not Updating 2018.3
In Revit 2018.3.2.7 I am seeing and getting reports that keynote legends are not updating to show...
Downloads Fixed – Some
I have been trying to carve out a little time here and there to fix the paths to downloads...
Reveal Elements – Hidden Viewport
The other day I was looking at a sheet a user reported it was impossible to select a floor plan...
Change a System Parameter from Type to Instance – Not...
It is fairly common knowledge that we can change a built-in parameter like Width from Type to...
Color Fill Calculation Failed is Back
This warning appeared quite a bit with Revit 2016 and patched in subsequent updates. I’ve...
Property Boundary and Coordinate Data – Dynamo
Alternate title: Mr. Revit OpEd finally does something (tho basic) with Dynamo! I used this problem...
Links in Posts are Broken
An update to my company site has broken links to the files I’ve shared in posts throughout...
Troubleshooting – Start an Email or Forum Post
I find it helpful to resolve an issue by starting to write an email or forum post (or a blog post)...
Moving a Viewport Error – Disjoin
The Move tool offers us an option called Disjoin. When it is used Revit deletes the original and...