I mentioned last time that I was going to be busy preparing and delivering a number of...
Source : Through the Interface blog
Transitioning from summer mode
Life seems to have shifted quite radically this week, as the summer here in Switzerland starts...
DC and Baltimore
I haven’t been the the US purely for personal reasons for quite some time. The last time was...
5 awesome VASA project ideas for the AU2024 Dynamo Hackathon
[My apologies for the click-baity title. I do actually have a list of 5 cool project ideas, if you...
Sign up for AU2024 classes today! Here are some suggestions.
The class catalog for Autodesk University 2024 has been live for a week or two already, with...
Dorset and London
In the last post I wrote about our recent time in Brittany and Cornwall. Something I find very...
Brittany and Cornwall
We’re just back from a fantastic 2+ week roadtrip to France and the UK. I’ll talk about...
Taking stock before the summer
It’s been an interesting year, so far, at many levels, and I have no major expectation that it’s...
The Autodesk Design & Make EduHack
There’s a fun virtual event happening at the end of September, the Autodesk Design & Make...
Using web workers to run intensive browser-side analyses in...
The topic for this post relates to a project I’ve been working on for a few weeks, now. We’ve taken...